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Review Details

Wainwright Fells Map & Tick List, A2 size, small, 594 x 420mm

Product Review (submitted on 7 August 2011):
This map is great! My husband bought it for me when I decided I would try to complete all 214 Wainwright Hills in the Lake District. As this is a slow process, I use a different coloured pen for each year - i.e. hills climbed in 2008 are coloured in green, 2009 are coloured blue, 2010 coloured red etc. I recently passed the half way mark (currently 109) so I suspect my chart will be multi-coloured by the time I complete my challenge! The chart is also great for seeing which hills still need to be conquered, and where they fit in with surrounding hills, making route planning much easier. At the end of a day on the fells, one of the first things I do when I get home is to colour in the hills on the chart and the corresponding tick box too!